Though some say this may be awkward as he mentioned before on the industry relying too heavily on sequels, it is reported that Keiji Inafune, the father of Mega Man, is working on a Ninja Gaiden game. The CEO of startup Comcept, Inafune announced Yaiba last week; this week, it was announced that its full title was Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z. The game seems to be a collage of Inafune’s work, as Yaiba has a cyborg protagonist, fighting off a legion of zombies. The reason why the protagonist is a cyborg is not fully revealed, other than perhaps former Ninja Gaiden protagonist, Ryu Hayabusa, had a role.
Although, as stated before, this might have contradicted what Inafune stated before, this teamup seems to be a gamer’s dream come true. However, still not much is known about the game.
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