The final episode in the Batman Telltale series is easily my favorite so far. While it doesn’t necessarily do anything extraordinary, I was happy with its ability to conclude the season strongly. I was not left...
Episode 3: New World Order ended with a pretty major cliffhanger and it made me excited to hop into Episode 4: Guardian of Gotham. So far the series has only managed to impress me here and there. Nothing overly...
The BlazBlue series has been a mainstay within the fighting genre for almost a decade now and the latest in the series Central Fiction boasts the same excellent combat and vibrant design of its predecessors. On...
When it comes to visual novels, I typically prefer the types that offer a more passive leisurely experience, requiring very little-- if any, command inputs from me aside from periodically being prompted to ...
When Mighty No. 9 was announced as a Kickstarter campaign by Mega Man creator Keiji Inafune, fans rejoiced at the idea of seeing Inafune bring back his creation (sort of) since Capcom is currently asleep at the...
When Platinum Games announced a new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game, I have to admit I got excited for it. The wait for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutants in Manhattan was a waiting game I felt I was losin...
It seems like it just started, but The Walking Dead: Michonne's third and final episode is here, and it's a satisfying ending to a series that started off shaky. This episode focuses on Michonne more than the p...
The Walking Dead: Michonne’s second episode is more brutal, more energetic and more engaging than its first episode. The series still hinges on the strength of Michonne as a character, but Give No Shelter devel...
Minecraft: Story Mode's main story arc seemed to wrap up in the fourth episode, so I was both concerned and optimistic to see a new story unfold in the fifth episode. Luckily, Order Up!, the last story in the f...
MLB The Show 16 continues to showcase San Diego Studios' attention to detail and passion to make a great baseball game, and The Show 16 is one of the very best they've ever released. There's the incredible game...