Gearbox plans on releasing at least four installments of DLC within the next year. The first DLC for the game adds a fifth playable class to the game.

This pet-class dubbed the “Mecromancer” will have the ability to summon a menacing looking robot known as “Deathtrap.”  Also, one of her skill trees will be dedicated toward people new to first-person shooters and people that might really love the game, but not be great at it. One skill drops her bullet damage dealt down to 50 percent, but her bullets that miss their mark reflect and kit enemies. This ensures that no matter how bad you might be, you can still assist your co-op teammates.

If you have already pre-ordered a copy of Borderlands 2, then the Mecromancer will be free for you. Everyone else will have to fork over $10 to play as this red-headed cyborg.

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  • DefOfGlory

    For those interested, it has also been announced that the Mechromancer’s name will be Gaige.