In this episode we talk about what we are playing, the controversy of Nintendo leaving Brazil and how we feel about the PlayStation Now pricing model. Spoiler alert, it sucks.

Show notes

Intro Music: Buddy Holly by Weezer (8-bit Remix)

Guests this week: Neil and Steve

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About The Author

Joe Marchese is the founder / Editor in Chief of New Gamer Nation. He has been a gamer for his whole life but has been focusing on his passion to deliver the industry's new to New Gamer Nation. He is an expert of video game culture and has been featured on Fox News Online. Don't be shy to reach out and let him know what you think!

  • DSB_IV

    I think the PS Now thing is great for those that are just jumping into the PS4 without anything to play right off the bat.

    • Joe Marchese

      It serves a purpose for sure, I think it just could have been done better. I think $20 a month is a little too much, the library is kinda weak and they are old games. If we saw brand new games, then it is a much better service overall.