Today, Turtle Rock Studios and 2K Games have released a new video for Evolve showing the action of a match from each player’s perspective. Viewers can switch between six channels to view the entirety of an Evolve match from whichever perspective they choose: Griffin the Trapper, Markov the Assault, Hank the Support, Val the Medic, the Goliath monster, or a sixth channel combining all five perspectives and featuring commentary by Aaron “Ayesee” Chambers and Chris Ashton, co-founder and design director at Turtle Rock Studios.

Check out the trailer below and let us know what you think in the comments below.

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About The Author

Joe Marchese is the founder / Editor in Chief of New Gamer Nation. He has been a gamer for his whole life but has been focusing on his passion to deliver the industry's new to New Gamer Nation. He is an expert of video game culture and has been featured on Fox News Online. Don't be shy to reach out and let him know what you think!

  • jimu

    Aw cool, Venom, nice Marvel crosover

  • Nconnors13

    I can’t wait for this game.