There’s some good news for fans of Metal Gear Online. Despite the closing of Kojima Productions L.A. studio, there will Metal Gear Online will continue to be supported with DLC in the future. Announced over Twitter, the new DLC will add new maps, survival, and more for players. For those unfamiliar, Survival matches offer a different type of competition. Players are given Reward points based on their match win streaks, rather than their performance each round.
With Kojima Productions’ L.A. studio closed, many wondered what would be in store for the future of Metal Gear Online. Those that have followed the split between Konami and creative director Hideo Kojima have been wondering what the next step would be with Konami since Mr. Kojima announced a partnership with Sony a couple weeks ago.
What do you think gamers? Are you excited to see what’s next in line for Metal Gear Online or Konami for that matter? Let us know in the comments below and stay right here to New Gamer Nation as your source for all things gaming.