Featured News, News — March 7, 2013 at 11:23 am

SimCity Still Encountering Problems, EA Promises More Servers


From the games initial release, the game has been plagued with logistical problems. First, the sheer volume or orders flooded EA and caused significant delays to all customers, even those that pre-loaded the game.

SimCity’s Senior Producer Kip Katsarelis agreed that there were technical issues with the game and that the problems were getting worse. He mentioned that EA’s server architecture was to blame for the bugs and wait times associated with the launch. He also mentioned that EA would be bringing in more servers to handle the overwhelming load and that EA’s engineers were working 24/7 to fix the issues at hand.

EA still insists that the international release of the game will not be affected. Many players speculate that the problem lies with SimCity requiring a constant internet connection to the server while playing.

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