Feature: Top 5 Games for the Non-Gamer

So you have had your fill of Farmville and you want to get into the current generation of HD console goodness?  Well look no further future game enthusiast!  These games include a little something for everyone so no matter your personal taste you should find something worth playing.


5.  Heavy Rain – A truly revolutionary game by Quantic Dream.  This drama is an emotional journey of 4 people all connected through a serial killer called the “Origami Killer”.  This has a feel similar to the movie “Crash” so if you liked that you’ll really appreciate this game.  The controls are very simple and just involve a timely button press here and there, easy enough for any new gamer.  The story itself  is deep and engaging so be prepared to game on the edge of your seat, you’re in for a ride.








4. LittleBigPlanet 2 – A game this high on fun and charm is hard to ignore and LBP 2 is no exception.  This great platformer will bring you back to the days of Super Mario Brothers while keeping the genre fresh and new.  The graphics are great and charming and the gameplay is very fun.  With a drop in / drop out co-op feature it all but ensures that you and your non gamer friend will have a great gaming experience.








3. Angry Birds – This addictive game is available on almost any format you want and chances are you have at least one device that can play this.  The game is very simple and ramps up in difficulty at a nice, slow pace allowing users to adjust to the game and learn its mechanics slowly while still feeling like they are making progress.  It also looks great on the HD consoles and adds a little humor now and again to mix it up.








2. You Don’t Know Jack – This classic trivia game is back and better than ever.  If you haven’t played this game you are in for a treat.  The game itself is bright, colorful and absolutely hilarious.  Not only that but it supports up to 4 players local, co-op or a mix of the two, so you and your non gamer can go head to head or take on all comers together.  The controls are very simple and take only a few seconds to master.  The online community is strong so you’ll find a game if online is where you want to be.  Either way this game is going to make you laugh and if this game can’t warm you up to gaming little else will.









1. Rock Band / Guitar Hero – Sure these games are in the twilight of there former glory but it doesn’t mean they aren’t still incredibly fun and accessible to tons of gamers and non gamers alike.  These games are widely available and offer tons of content on the disc.  If that isn’t enough for you there is downloadable content coming out every week for these games including new songs and track packs.  The difficulty is adjustable and the tutorials are very good ensuring you learn how to play quickly and easily.  Combine that with your favorite songs and the ability to play with 3 other people in a band and you have one of the most accessible and fun games around.  Enjoy!

About Pilot

Co-founder of New Gamer Nation, pilot is a humble gamer looking to spread his passion of gaming across the interwebs. Don't be shy to reach out and let him know what you think!