Feature: Top 5 things to look forward to about the NGP

Sometime this year Sony will release the next version of its handheld console and it sounds like it’s going to be a gamers dream.  There seems to be a lot to look forward to so lets take a look at what has been confirmed so far.

5. Front / Back Cameras – It seems today that if you want people to use your device often you need to attach a camera to it.  It seems the NGP is no different.  It is confirmed that the device will have both a camera in the front and the back of the device.  If it lives up to today’s standards it should have at least an HD quality camera and if they are smart people will be able to record videos to it as well.  Either way this will go a long ways in updating the PSP.


4. Font / Rear Mounted Touch Pad – This is one of the more interesting and intriguing options added to the new console.  I envision developers using that rear mounted touch pad for shooter games as a trigger or even use it as a cover button.  Either way it is a good thing to try new things and use the technology available.  I am sure this feature will inspire some new and interesting gaming mechanics in future titles.


3. LiveArea – This is Sony’s new operating system that is set to replace the old XMB on the original PSP device.  It promises players the ability to stop a game and interact with people on their friends list and continue with their game.  Anything should be an upgrade to the virtual stand alone PSP system.  Sure the old system was able to connect to the internet and with other PSP’s but it was a very limited and difficult process.  With this new OS it should really open up the NGP for real social networking and multiplayer experiences never before seen in a handheld device.  If done right this could easily be number one on this list but I reserve the right to be cautious until I see it for myself.


2. Dual Analog Sticks – The players spoke and Sony listened.  We finally get the use of dual analog sticks, afterall its been on the playstation controller for many years so why not have it on the NGP.  The best part about these dual analog sticks is they are not the original PSP glide pads, they are real, legitimate sticks that extend from the unit.  This should contribute greatly to the realism of games and make the gaming experience much more satisfying for the hardcore gamer.


1. PS3 Like Graphics – Since the NGP is being targeted to the hardcore gamer, the most important piece of the puzzle is having good graphics.  This device will be capable of running at, or close to PS3 levels and that is quite impressive.  This will make the NGP the most powerful handheld ever created and should provide gamers with a one of a kind gaming experience.  If you aren’t excited about mobile gaming, this should get you excited.  Just picture it, Uncharted running in full HD at 60 frames per second while at the park… awesome.

About Pilot

Co-founder of New Gamer Nation, pilot is a humble gamer looking to spread his passion of gaming across the interwebs. Don't be shy to reach out and let him know what you think!