The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3DS port appeared on GAME’s website at approximately 10:00am yesterday morning. It was quickly removed at 10:30am bu

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t the damage was already done by that point. Does this mean that the game will be announced or even released soon? Only one can speculate since video game retailers frequently set up placeholders in the event that a game will be released with short notice. This strategy makes sure they are ready for any announcement and have those pre-order links live from the get go. We will have to wait and see what happens.

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Joe Marchese is the founder / Editor in Chief of New Gamer Nation. He has been a gamer for his whole life but has been focusing on his passion to deliver the industry's new to New Gamer Nation. He is an expert of video game culture and has been featured on Fox News Online. Don't be shy to reach out and let him know what you think!