Featured News, News — October 1, 2012 at 1:30 pm

News: Cable Companies Interested In Cloud Gaming?


In a report from Bloomberg, cable providers AT&T, Verizon, and Time Warner Cable are preparing to challenge Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo head-on by offering cloud gaming services to their customers. Sources say that trials are likely to occur later this year, so the trio of cable providers can “test and tweak” the services before setting them loose on the general public. If successful, its possible that cloud gaming services could come out as soon as early 2013.

It should come as no surprise that these cable companies are looking for new sources of revenue, and it makes sense that they would have their eyes on the gaming industry. In a statement, video game analyst Atul Bagga said, “Everybody has a TV.” He added that cable companies are “looking for new ways to monetize their users and gaming can be pretty compelling.”

These cable companies aren’t the only ones looking into this, as it is also said that Cox Communications and Comcast Corp. also want a piece of the action.


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