World War Zed!| Killing Floor 2 Early Access Review Adam Garcia April 30, 2015 Previews This week the internet gave a collective audible groan after hearing that the latest Silent Hill game in development had been cancelled, which is...
After 9 Long Years | Final Fantasy XV: Episode Duscae Impressions Neil Connors, Senior Writer March 31, 2015 Previews I’ve been waiting 9 years to experience Final Fantasy XV, and the time has finally come with the purchase of Final Fanasy Type-0 HD (which is a...
Twelve Minutes Interview with Luis Antonio | PAX East 2015 Kyle Cadena March 11, 2015 Event Coverage, Interviews, PAX East 2015 Joe interviewed Luis Antonio, creator of indie title Twelve Minutes, about his debut independent effort.
Assassin’s Creed Unity “Time Anomaly” Trailer Released Joe Marchese, Editor in Chief October 30, 2014 Featured News, News Today, Ubisoft released a new trailer for Assassin's Creed Unity called "Time Anomaly". It gives you just a little tease before the game is released...
Neil’s Destiny Beta Impressions Neil Connors, Senior Writer August 7, 2014 Previews I spent a fair amount of time playing the Destiny beta and there were many highlights to my experience, but there were also countless questions...
Wolfenstein: The New Order Hands On Impressions Joe Marchese, Editor in Chief February 24, 2014 Previews Wolfenstein has a long and proud history as being one of the original first person shooters and a defining franchise at that. Thankfully, the...
Something Big Dropping In | Titanfall Beta First Impressions GuestPost February 19, 2014 Previews 1 Comment The buzz around Titanfall is closer to a low roar, and I can understand why. The console shooter scene has been so overwhelmingly dominated by...
Preview: Atelier Escha & Logy Alchemists of the Dusk Sky Joe Marchese, Editor in Chief February 6, 2014 Previews For those that are unfamiliar, the Atelier series has been a staple in the JRPG genre since 1997. It has spanned from the original PlayStation...
Preview: Sphero 2.0 Joe Marchese, Editor in Chief October 17, 2013 Previews When you think of the physical ways that people interact with video games, people tend to think of the traditional game controller. The...
First Impressions of The Battlefield 4 Beta Neil Connors, Senior Writer October 10, 2013 Previews I won’t claim I’m absolutely legendary at Battlefield 3, but I have played it a whole lot, because it is one of my favorite games. I jumped at...