The word ‘retro’ is thrown around alot with the rise of indie gaming in the past few years. Sure many of them have lived up to this claim, but Retro City Rampage might possibly be my favorite example of a throwback to the good ol’ days I’ve seen yet.

Set for release in May 2012, Retro City Rampage will premiere on XBLA, PSN, Steam/PC, Wiiware and PSVita. Originally, development started in 2002 as a homebrew 8-bit remake of Grand Theft Auto III. However as time went on developer VBlack Entertainment had more and more ideas, which lead to development team switching from an NES development kit to the PC, to overcome to limited power of the NES dev kit.

Retro City Rampage is a top-down, 8-bit, GTA style open world title, and wow does it look fun. With over 50 story missions, and tons of side missions all in an open, free-roaming world, things looks very promising. VBlank Entertainment promises over 100 character customization options, over 25 different weapon customization options and many references to classic titles. This is definitely one to keep an eye on.

Retro City Rampage is set for release sometime next month on Xbox Live Arcade, Playstation Network, WiiWare, PC/Steam and on Playstation Vita. Be sure to head over to the official website for all the details!

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